【GIF】 おまいらが望むフェラチオのシチュエーションがこれwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
【※GIFあり※】 ゲレンデでセックスした結果wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
【膣外射精】 「買ったゴム入んないじゃい しょーがないな♡」 生ハメしちゃったけど外に出したから責任取らなくてもいいよねwwwww
画像枚数 : 66枚
- nk-haired ‘gamer girl’ sells her own BATH WATER for 24 a pop to ‘thirsty’ followers – and it’s sold out after just TWO days An influencer who has racked up almost 4 million followers by sharing racy cosplay pictures online is selling her bathwater for 24 a pot. British Belle Delphine, 20, who describes herself as a ‘gamer girl’, took to her Instagram account on Tuesday to reveal her ‘Gamer Girl Bath Water’. The pot of water, comes with the warning: ‘Bottled while I’m playing in the bath. This really is bath water.. disclaimer: This water is not for drinking and should only be used for sentimental purposes.’ And just two days later the site showed the pots of bath water had sold out, with the website page reading ‘out of stock’. Taking to Instagram at the beginning of the week, Belle posed in a bath as she held a tub of branded water and wrote: ‘I am now selling my BATH WATER for all you THIRSTY gamer boys, check out my new shop where im selling stuff for you!’. Sharing their shock at the young influencer’s uncanny ability to make money, one follower wrote: ‘Holy sh**, Bell has reached a level of power so high that she can sell her bath water and make a profit. Bell looks at her water bill and says gNo, you pay meh.’ But one admitted: ‘I will be purchasing 10 gallons’, while another added: ‘The fact people actually buy this stuff is hilarious, girl you have to much power’.
- belle-delphine-photos-6-of-7-lastfm.jpg
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